Global Sports: Various Tips To Strengthen Your Golf Swing

Friday, December 21, 2012

Various Tips To Strengthen Your Golf Swing

By Donald Harris

Your golf swing is an essential part of playing the game of golf. If you are a little rusty, you will need to follow a few guidelines and tips to help you along the way. The more you play, the better you will get, and have an understand of your body and how it works with the club. If you are a beginner, be prepared to spend a little time and effort on your swing and other contributing factors of this game.

A lot of beginner golfers have an issue with shanking. In order to avoid this from happening, there are a few tips that you can try. In the world of golfing, shanking is one of the most terrifying things that you can do. Shanking happens when the ball gets a mind of its own, and goes in an entirely different direction than the way you anticipated. This is usually a golfer's worst nightmare.

Many golfers have the tendency to sway as they proceed to swing their club. Swaying is something that you do not want to do, and should avoid doing. Several golfers sway in order to shift their weight. Contrary to popular belief, swaying is not needed because your body will naturally shift.

If you are new to the game of golf, you may not be aware of the kind of grip that you have. Here, your grip on your club should be relaxed and loose. In this instance, there is no need to be tense or uptight. When you hold the club correctly, you will have an awesome balance of rhythm as well as total overall balance.

Surprisingly, your hips play a part in this situation. You need to let your hips assist you with driving your swing. The two important factors in this instance are your downswing and back-swing. These two methods go hand in hand, but there are separate ways that you should handle each method. To perfect your back-swing, make sure your hips are turned to the right.

Transferring your weight is yet another factor that contributes to your swing. The skill of transferring weight is one that takes a little time for many golfers to grasp. Here, keep in mind that when you are at the top or beginning of your back-swing, all of your weight will be shifted to your right side. When you are starting your downswing, be certain that you are moving your weight to your left side.

When you flex and bend your knees correctly, it will be a lot easier to shift your weight the way you need to. In the case that you do not feel comfortable bending your knees, you can flex them if you wish. You will find out that when you are shifting your weight, shifting the weight from the right side of your body will be easier than shifting from the left.

Once you have taken each of these tips into consideration, your golf swing should improve tremendously. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect. The more you train using these skills, the better your overall gold game will be.

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