Global Sports: Great Triathlons All Year Round

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Great Triathlons All Year Round

By Tammie Caldwell

Triathlon is a sport that involves a series of sports events. From the name itself, it involves three categories namely biking or cycling, marathon, and swimming. This is a test of stamina, endurance, patience, and most of all, passion for winning. All athletes participating in sports events like this like to win the prize, plus unlimited bragging rights. If you are a great athlete with such characteristics, you may try this sport.

But if you think you are not at the professional level yet, or not even close to it, you can also try to watch it live. Virginia triathlons are some of best tri events in Maryland, which is the home for many other triathlon sports festivals. There are ongoing and upcoming tri events in this area this year. You may want to come and check them out if you like.

Participants have great challenging, scenic, and unique courses in different spots in Virginia. They need to swim at certain distances, bike long courses, and endure a very long marathon. There is a lot of other events a well of you ar not feeling sporty. You do not have to feel pressured when you come to such festivals.

You must train hard so that you can join the next year. The members of the council and organizers of the event will not accept beginner athletes in some events. But you can choose categories that are for amateurs.

This could be the beginning of the realization of your dream to become a professional athlete. But it is not enough to stay in the amateur level for the rest of your life. You can train harder with a coach. You may train with three different events. One at a time, you can start with swimming, running, or biking.

Some of them are looking for even more challenging tracks. The more difficult and longer the tracks are, the bigger the prize, the higher the glory, especially if one of them gets to bag the championship prize. As a beginner, you will need the right gears and sports paraphernalia to start training.

Contrary to the notion that tris are only for the stealthy and strong professionals, there are also events for the youth. Here, children are allowed to participate. They will have a great time with their friends and they might also even develop their interest in it and pursue this career in the future.

For beginners, those who already engage in workouts and gym have the potential in the competition. It does not matter if they start from scratch since that is always the case. But workouts are great beginnings. It will help you firm up your muscles and will help you gain endurance and develop your stamina. From here on, you need to be consistent with your workouts then start training with a coach if you think you are ready in mind, body and spirit.

The good thing about this is that they can become active all the time and healthy as well. Moreover, they might also want to pursue this as a future career. This is a great orientation for their interests to develop.

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