Global Sports: The Truth About Black Bear Hunting

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Truth About Black Bear Hunting

By Linda Ruiz

In his most basic form, man is a natural hunter. He has been chasing after food for years, even in his early days. Even before man has had better weapons, he has been using whatever he can find around the environment to snare and trap food. Even before the advent of different cuisine, man is already used to eating raw food, from the meat of the animal he has just successfully hunted.

Many animals are in the wild, and they come in large numbers. Some species tend to be so many that they overpower the other creatures. For this reason, hunting season is then opened by the local authorities to somehow keep the number of animals at bay. For enthusiasts, the ultimate game comes in the form of Black Bear Hunting Canada.

Bears are among the most common predatory creatures that roam the land. It has many different types, all distinct from each other in more ways than one. The brown bear, for one, is found all over the Northern hemisphere. There are many subtypes of the brown type, too, such as the Eurasian, the Amur, the Syrian, and the famous grizzly that is feared by many.

Another type of bear has a coat that is as dark as the night. This is more common than its brown brother, found all over the country and neighboring nations. They live deep in the forests, and are partial to crops, especially oats. They are most often hunted during springtime.

Bears are hunted for a lot of reasons. Primarily, they are coveted for their pelts. The underfur, which is denser and softer, is used for insulation purposes. The guard hairs are perfect for protection against dirt, debris, and even water. Bearskin is turned into fur caps and other articles of clothing, especially in areas that are colder than average.

Of course, they are also hunted for their meat. It is an acquired taste, but some people have really grown to love and enjoy it. The people of the older times even baked it, sometimes cooked it in stew or soup. People even back then had the good sense not to eat it raw, as its meat can be poisonous due to parasitic infection if it is not cooked thoroughly.

The fat from this particular animal is used as cooking oil. The natives back then used it to fry the meat from the catch of the day. It is even used to light homes in the form of fuel for their lamps. Even a small amount of the said stuff can last up to long hours. It is also used by Native American tribes as medicine.

Even the gall bladder of the animal has its usage. It is a very valuable material in the world of traditional Chinese medicine. Even in the ancient times, the Chinese used bile from bear bladder to supposedly cure rheumatism, poor eyesight, and gall stones. The useful bile is believed to be produced by most bear types except for the Giant Panda.

The public is torn between having to side up to or to turn against the idea of hunting. Most environmentalists say that hunting is bad for the environment. The truth of the matter is that the act actually has its benefits. For starters, it will give way for the smaller species to allow themselves to recover and increase in number. Hunting also is a way to keep the population in check, as over population in some species can lead to far more bigger problems.

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