Global Sports: Beginning Golfers - Making Up One's Mind On Hybrid or Name Brands

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Beginning Golfers - Making Up One's Mind On Hybrid or Name Brands

By Keith Truman

Your first buy of a complete set of golf clubs can be intimidating. Think about renting as an another viable choice, at least for a few times, because it is a pricy undertaking. Buying a cheap pre-owned set of clubs is another alternative.

If you insist on quality but can not see yourself spending a lot of money, get golf club clones. They hand over the same performance as the big name brands but without the pricey label. They use the same engineering, the same specific quality specs and produce a master product that has the same characteristics that can equate to any specific club you have in mind.

The commonplace phrase, look before you leap, applies to the game of golf. Before you spend good money on expensive name brands, rent or buy clones and learn a few things about the sport. Consider your body type and proficiency into your buying decisions.

Critical to the performance of any golf clubs is that the clubs are a good match for the player who is playing them. Proper fitting is the single most salient factor influencing realization. By playing, preferences and style of club features become more obvious and critical thinking, as to equipment choice, develops.

Woods: A 1-wood is called the driver however, you'll also find "drivers" that are dedicated drivers, and not a 1-wood. Fairway woods are shorter in length, the driver being the longest club in the bag. In the end, personal preference and how it honestly feels to hit the ball with the driver or fairway wood is what matters.

Irons: Golf clubs referred to as irons have grooves cut into the club face. Distance parameters determine the classification of irons such as long, mid and short irons. The irons with the highest lofts are the short irons. The short irons are the 8 and 9 irons. Mid irons are 5, 6 and 7 irons and the long irons are 1, 2, 3 and 4 irons.

Putters: There is a wide variety of putter styles which all have their proponents. Most popular are the conventional standard putters. The belly putters provides a third point of contact, the belly. Another type of putter is the long putter which employs a pendulum type swing eliminating the wrist hinge.

Utility clubs: Combining the features that will help your stroke and combines features from both the wood and iron is called the utility club.

New players should look for a cheap set of used clubs to use until they have played a number of games and unlocked their own individual predisposition as to club choice. Knowledge comes through experience and one can better choose the clone golf club or even advertised popular clubs that fine tune your game to a higher notch.

Everything Golf Instruction - Swing and Putting Instruction is a new book that any golfer will find helpful. Evaluatine proven pro-quality techniques and strategies can take anyone's game to an entirely new level.

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