Global Sports: Poker for Beginners: Be Aggressive

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Poker for Beginners: Be Aggressive

By Hulk Hawking

In a lot of poker games, especially where beginners play, a lot of people always want to see the flop. This results in a lot of pre-flop limps and calls, and only very few raises. This may seem an optimal strategy to beginners as they don't waste a lot of money to see the flop but in reality, this is a very weak strategy. Here are the reasons why:

Limping is a sign of weakness.

Calling makes you more transparent and often gets you in trouble.

The raiser is the one in control.

If your hand is good then you have to raise, otherwise, when you call and hit a draw, it will be very obvious and easy to spot. There are of course exceptions to the rule, like if you are trying to slowplay or if there are already two raisers in front of you.

Why Calling Means You're Weak

If you get dealt a hand that you deem unworthy of raising, then the hand should not be played. Calling just to see the flop gets you in the nasty habit of playing weak and speculative -EV cards. Furthermore, you also tell all of the guys at the table that your hand is marginal at best and that you are not so confident in it. In addition, any post-flop raise will force you to fold unless you have hit your draws.

Why A Raise Gets You Control

By making a strong raise pre-flop, you are showing strength and confidence in your hand. You are also showing your intentions that you are not afraid to bet and will take the dead money in the pot once everybody has missed their cards on the flop. Raising also gives you a great post-flop advantage in the form of the c-bet, as it allows you to make another strong raise and drop every player with a speculative hand who has missed the flop.

Be Aggressive!

In action, here is an example of aggression paying off. A guy plays AQ against a guy holding 99. He makes a strong aggressive move by betting a raise pre-flop. By doing this, he states that he has a very good hand and that he is confident in it. The guy with 99 calls him and decides to set mine. The flop drops and both of them miss improving their hand. The AQ decides to c-bet and raises again. Pocket 9s fold. By showing aggression, AQ won the hand even though he was beat.

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