Global Sports: 3 Tips for Playing a Better Golf Game

Saturday, September 17, 2011

3 Tips for Playing a Better Golf Game

By John Willis

At one time, one of your friends might have treated you to a game of golf and took a few swings and made the decision that you wanted to learn how to play the right way. However, before you bolt out and buy a lot of golf items, in order for you to be considered a real golfer, you really should get a little bit more data about the game of golf first. This article will give you a few important suggestions to help when you begin learning about golf.

The first thing that everybody wants to do when they first start golfing is to run out and purchase an expensive set of golf clubs. While clubs are very essential to the game, first you must ask yourself if you know what a good club looks like. If you plan to ask the golfing salesman for his recommendation , then you are naive if you think he will give you a suggestion that will help you. The point is to try out a large amount of clubs first by renting them or borrowing from friends until you find the right club that fits your golfing personality. Even the head of the golf club will depend on the way that you play golf, which is why you have to play first in order to find the best clubs.

Making your golf game better is not just about playing the game. One of the best methods for playing a better golf game is to watch the game of other players. You should watch what they are doing and assess everything that is done from their posture and aim to their swing. However, it is important that you only analyze those golfers that have the traits that are just like yours. For example, you want to focus on someone who has a body something like you and also has a swing that is somewhat like yours in terms of its pace and shape. Also, pick the player according to where you want to go. So, if you wish to learn a long game, then analyze someone like Ernie Els. Or, you can pay attention to Walter Hagen if you choose to perfect short games. If you desire to make your putting better, then Phil Mickelson is your best selection.

When you first want to play golf, you have a few things to decide. You can learn things from your friends, which is how a majority of people first learn. However, a problem might exist if you learn bad habits that will not be good for your golf swing, which means that your friends might be good at the game, but horrible at teaching the game. Also, you can just go to range and hit a few balls until you determine how your swings rate in terms of direction and distance. This strategy for learning golf can take a lot o time because it is based upon trial and error. The less difficult way to learn golf is to take lessons from a professional, which is also considered to be the fastest way. You will not have bad habits in the end, which will help you avoid a lot of disappointment. The instructor will most definitely fix your performance.

As you can tell, there are some important aspects that can help you improve your golf game, but they don't have anything to do with playing the game itself. However, without a good base for building up your skills, you do not have a good opportunity for making your game better. So, get the basics right and then you will be well on your way to becoming the envy of golfers everywhere!

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