Global Sports: The Best Protection Against Hyperinflation Tomorrow Is Buying Gold Today

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Best Protection Against Hyperinflation Tomorrow Is Buying Gold Today

By Adriana Noton

Surely you have noticed that your money is not buying you the same amount of gas, food and basic supplies that it used to. What may have gone unnoticed is the sneaky way food companies are selling smaller packages, even while they're charging higher prices. This is serious inflation in action. Hopefully you have begun buying gold, but if not, it is time to get started.

Precious metal and fiat currency (paper money), are like opposite sides of a coin. When one is up, the other is down. This balance is currently threatened, as the world's reserve currency, the dollar, is sinking fast. This is evidenced by this precious metal hitting all time highs.

Nobody is trying to say the fiat currencies of other nations are faring much better. In fact, the once heralded Euro, is on significantly shakier ground than is the dollar. It makes sense to purchase gold no matter where on earth you may reside.

Always recall that the values of the metal and the currency are mirror images. If you buy the commodity for sixteen hundred dollars for one ounce, and then in a year or two, you find that it is going for five thousand dollars an ounce -- the fact is, the metal would just be retaining its value, but the dollar would have lost about 2/3 of its value.

If you had an ounce of gold, thousands of years ago, you would have been able to buy the finest suit and shoes. Today the same holds true. The commodity has held steady. It is the value of money that degrades.

There has yet to be a single fiat currency throughout history, that has been able to retain it's value. Every paper currency, given time, will run its course and become of no value.

To deal with this fact, the folks who were responsible for the currency system created a plan that connected paper money to actual gold. They required the government to store an equivalent amount of the precious metal for every dollar in circulation. This was known as the gold standard.

Money, back then, was not allowed to be created out of nothing, because there needed to be an equal amount of that precious metal being stored somewhere by the government. That was a good system for making paper money retain value, but it was, unfortunately, scrapped in the early 1970's.

When money was no longer backed by gold, governments found that they could simply spend at will. They financed wars and all kinds of programs that would not have otherwise occurred. This deficit spending created massive interest to the federal reserve, a private banking cabal, as well as to China, since they financed a lot of the debt.

Many experts are telling us that the US national debt is so great, it will be impossible to ever repay. In fact, unless drastic measures are taken, the government won't even be able to cover the interest payments. One of the few sure ways to ensure that your money today has value tomorrow is to use it now and buy gold Toronto.

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